But What Is A Giddlywunkle?

“Does your mummy know you’re living here,” asked Callie with a flush of red in her cheeks.

“Of course, she does, Callie. What a silly question,” said Shauna, “although I haven’t seen her in quite some time.”

“But grown-ups usually don’t allow girls like us to live in a hedge,” said Callie.

“They’re just stick-in-the-muds,” said Buckle.

“Oh, I’m not worried about stick-in-the-muds, and I know girls who have no home at all, but only Giddlywunkles in that world can see me so I have nothing to fear,” said Shauna pointing over Callie and Buckle’s shoulders to the garden behind.

Callie and Buckle looked at each other and then back at Shauna.

“You said ‘Giddlywunkles’” said Buckle. “Our mummy calls us Giddlywunkles, and we haven’t heard anybody else called Giddlywunkles.”

“Of course, she calls you Giddlywunkles as you can see me,” said Shauna.

“But how did she know to call us Giddlywunkles?” asked Callie, scratching her head.

“Because she was a Giddlywunkle herself, just like us.”

This astounded Buckle who said, “WHAT? Mummy’s a Giddlywunkle?”

“Yes. Well, she was.”

“So, she knows that there is a girl living in a hedge at the bottom of the garden?” asked Callie.

“Oh no, I wouldn’t think so.”

“I’m confused, Callie” said Buckle holding his head. “Is there steam coming out my ears?”

Shauna chuckled. “We’re only Giddlywunkles for as long as we don’t cram our heads full of useless information for exams or office work. As soon as you start worrying about paying bills, forget about it.” Shauna screwed her face up and shook her head as if she had smelt a nasty smell.

“So, when I get older and more unfun like a Monday morning,” said Buckle, “I won’t be able to see you and I won’t be a Giddlywunkle anymore?”

“Unfortunately, yes. Chances are you won’t climb trees and Callie won’t wear a lovely rubber duck around her neck…” Shauna paused. “… Unless you are very special like your Great Aunt Dympna but that rarely happens.”

“Great Aunt Dympna is STILL a Giddlywunkle?” said Buckle.

“That would explain a few things,” said Callie. “Mummy said that Great Aunt Dympna was always wandering off on adventures without telling anyone and climbing trees.”

“I thought they wanted to put her in a home because of that,” said Buckle.

“She really is a magnificent climber,” said Shauna.